Goal Setting
Positive Self-Talk
Competitors have wishes and hopes, but champions have goals and plans. Setting goals is the first step in every successful athlete’s mental skills locker.
Champion’s Mind take you through the goal setting framework and organises your time to reflect on them daily - meaning you aren’t just dreaming, you are achieving your dreams.
Finding and expressing reasons to be grateful makes your teammates work harder for you, prevents burnout, improves sleep, lowers blood pressure and strengthens your immune system.
That's why winning athletes put some gratitude in their attitude before they go for gold. So, athlete, what one thing are you most grateful for right now?
It works for the Navy Seals, and it will work for you too. Mindfulness is the art of focusing on the now, feeling the rhythm of your mind and body, and feeling the world in the present moment.
Mindfulness has repeatedly been proven through brain scans and field tests to improve focus and concentration in stressful situations. It also provides a greater awareness of your body and it's potential.
See it. Be it. Do it.
When you imagine yourself achieving your goals, you are more likely to achieve them. After all, neurons that fire together, wire together.
Champion's Mind includes a selection of audio visualisation exercises designed to aid you when visualising key plays, victories and moments.
Reflect on your most vivd sporting memories. Most of them probably involve great mistakes - not your greatest takes. Your memory often isn't a fair reflection of your talent as an athlete.
Positive self-talk helps to rebalance your mind on the things you have practiced and excel at. Clinically shown to reduce stress when competing.